Tuesday, November 17, 2009

First Assignment(PRELIM)

My situation is if "I am pregnant should I abort it or not."

Steps in Ethical Decision Making:
1st step is to get the fact if I am really pregnant, and I come up with the result that I am really pregnant
and came up with the decision to abort it.
I should consider the consequence that what if I get complication from aborting it, and if my partner will gonna know that I am pregnant an I try to abort it.
I should consider also if it is right to kill my own blood that maybe I will regret.
I should consider another option by telling my parents my situation and take a risk that they might forgive me.
I'm gonna review my decision by weighing every aspect,then I choose the option that telling my parents about my situation.
Lastly I'm gonna wait on their reaction.

My Philosophical theories in my situation:
The Virtue of Ethics their is when I came up with the result of aborting it but I just think the consequence.
The Utilitarian Approach is when I realize that I am the one who will get affected if I'm gonna do my plan because this baby is a part of me, and also my partner will affect also not knowing that he is going to be a father, most of all who will get affected is my parents whom I not know that maybe they will be accept my situation.
The Fairness Approach her is when I decide to let my parent and boyfriend know about my situation because it is their right to know and accept it.
The Common Good Approach is that I should be proud that I'm going to be a mother and this baby has been made by love and not by just a mistake or an aggressiveness, despite to the reaction of the community I should show that I never regret what I have done.

1 comment:

  1. Wow!!! nice design... keep it up!!! gud luck 2 ur study...
